23. The Difference Between Maaseh Merkava and Maaseh Bereishis

Yesodei HaTorah 4:10

All the profound concepts we have been discussing are just the tip of the iceberg. And yet, as profound as they are, they do not approach the depth of the topics discussed in the first two chapters.

The concepts discussed in the third and fourth chapters are what the Sages called Maaseh Bereishis (“the work of creation”). The Sages directed that these matters not be taught in public. Rather, only one individual should be instructed in these subjects.

Yesodei HaTorah 4:11

The difference between Maaseh Merkava and Maaseh Bereishis is that Maaseh Merkava should never be taught - not even to a one person - unless he is wise and able to comprehend it. If this is the case, he is taught the basic points. Maaseh Bereishis, on the other hand, may be taught even to an individual who is incapable of understanding it on his own. He may nevertheless be educated about everything that he can grasp on these matters. They are still not taught publicly because not everyone has the requisite knowledge to adequately understand the interpretations and explanations of these matters.