
Many have the practice to recite, in the prayer following Shemoneh Esrei, a verse that starts and ends with the same letter as their name, or that contains their name, or both. This is considered a source of merit. In this series, we will briefly analyze these verses.

מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן בְּכֹהֲנָיו וּשְׁמוּאֵל בְּקֹרְאֵי שְׁמוֹ קֹרִאים אֶל ה’ וְהוּא יַעֲנֵם

Moshe and Aharon among His priests, and Shmuel among those who call upon His Name, they called upon G-d and He answered them. - Psalms 99:6

It's interesting to note that the verse for the name Miriam contains a reference to her brothers, Moshe and Aharon. But why is Shmuel (the prophet Samuel) mentioned alongside them?

When Shmuel's mother was praying for a child, she used the unusual phrase "zera anashim" ("the seed of men," in the plural - I Samuel 1:11).  The Talmud (Brachos 31a) offers several potential explanations for this. One of these is that Shmuel would be positively compared to two men - the men par excellence, Moshe and Aharon.

Verses for women's names may be found in the book Rigshei Lev by Rabbi Menachem Nissel, based upon Tefillah Yesharah/The Boston Siddur.