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Negaim 4:9-10

Negaim 4:9

Regarding a white spot the size of a split bean that spread by the area of half a split bean plus a little more, while half a split bean’s area of the original spot disappeared, Rabbi Akiva rules it ritually unclean and the Sages rule it clean. Regarding a white spot the size of a split bean that spread by the area of a split bean plus a little more, while the original spot disappeared altogether, Rabbi Akiva rules it unclean while the Sages say that it must be inspected as a new spot.

Negaim 4:10

Regarding a white spot the size of a split bean that spread by the area of a split bean and in the spreading healthy flesh or white hair appeared, plus the original spot disappeared altogether, Rabbi Akiva rules it unclean and the Sages say that it must be inspected as a new spot. Regarding a white spot the size of half a split bean with nothing in it and there appeared a white spot the size of half a split bean with one hair, this must be quarantined. Regarding a white spot the size of half a split bean with one hair and there appeared another spot the size of half a split bean with one hair, this must be quarantined. Regarding a white spot the size of half a split bean with two hairs and another spot the size of half a split bean appeared with one hair, this must be quarantined.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz