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Negaim 4:5-6

Negaim 4:5

Regarding a white spot the size of a split bean with a streak extending from it, if the streak is two hairs wide, it combines with white hair or with spreading but not with healthy flesh. If there were two white spots and a streak extended from one to the other, then if it was two hairs wide, it combines the two spots; if this is not the case, it doesn’t combine them.

Negaim 4:6

Regarding a white spot the size of a split bean that had within it healthy flesh the size of a lentil and white hair inside the healthy flesh, if the healthy flesh disappears, the spot is ritually unclean because of the white hair; if the white hair disappears, the spot is ritually unclean because of the healthy flesh. Rabbi Shimon declares it ritually clean because it wasn’t the white spot that made the hair turn white. Regarding a white spot that, together with the healthy flesh in it, was the size of a split bean and there was white hair within the spot, if the healthy flesh disappears, the white spot is ritually unclean because of the white hair; if the white hair disappears, it is ritually unclean because of the healthy flesh. Rabbi Shimon says that it is ritually clean because it wasn’t a white spot the size of a split bean that made the hair turn white. He agrees that if the spot of the white hair was the size of a split bean, then it is unclean.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz