Outmaneuvering the yetzer hara for effective Teshuvah

Mishlei 4:12

Only declaring "I am not going to do to that again" with steeling oneself against temptation will not achieve lasting teshuvah. You need a novel approach in order to stay away. Also, you need siyata dishmaya. Discussion of Darkei Hateshuvah and sidestepping the yetzer hara. Importance of knowing one's level of service of Hashem and conducting oneself appropriately for that level. We don't make deals with Hashem that He is mine, and He has to do for me, because I have committed myself to Him. A person learning Torah is able to integrate higher levels in service of Hashem more quickly, and that facilitates his rising from level to level quickly. But the process is still step by step, with integration at each step.

Citations: Besides the commentaries related to Mishlei, the following sources are also referenced in this shiur: Gemara Menachos 29b.