1,340. Washing During Shiva and Shloshim

209:1 A mourner may not wash his entire body, not even in cold water. To wash just his face, hands and feet, hot water is prohibited but cold water is permitted. Washing in hot water is prohibited the entire 30-day mourning period (shloshim), even just to shampoo one’s hair. Even washing one’s entire body in cold water is prohibited throughout shloshim if this is being done for enjoyment. A woman who needs to prepare for the mikva may wash in hot water after shiva. Wearing her white undergarments is discussed in 159:5.

209:2 If a woman who just gave birth becomes a mourner and needs to wash, she is even permitted to do so during shiva. She should act stringently in this matter on the first day if the need to do so is not compelling. Similarly, a finicky person, who will become distressed to the point of illness if he doesn’t wash, is permitted to do so. Likewise, one with headaches may wash his head with hot water.