1,310. May a Kohein Visit a Tzaddik's Grave?

202:14 There are simple kohanim who are in the practice of visiting the graves of the righteous based on the idea that the graves of the righteous don't impart ritual impurity. This is a mistaken practice on their part and one should try to stop them from doing this.

202:15 Just as a kohein is commanded not to allow himself to be rendered impure, the adults are commanded regarding the children. Leviticus 21:1 says, "Speak to the kohanim...and say...." From the fact that it refers to speaking twice, the Rabbis explained that the kohanim were also commanded regarding the children. They are only commanded not to actively render a child impure, such as by bringing him into a room where there's a dead body. However, if a child renders himself impure, he need not be removed. Once a child reaches the age of education, however, he should be removed. The pregnant wife of a kohein is permitted to enter the room where a dead person lies.