1,303. A Kohein

201:7 If a child of one or two years of age was converted (to another faith) with his father or mother and then died, aveilus is not observed for him.

202:1 A kohein (Jewish "priest," a descendant of Aaron) is commanded not to defile himself through contact with the dead. This includes even a fetus whose limbs are not yet fully developed. However, if the fetus was aborted within forty days of conception, it is not considered like a body,

A kohein may not even come in contact with parts of a body that became separated from it, including blood. It is likewise prohibited for a kohein to defile himself for a severed human limb that has on it enough flesh that, were it still attached, it could heal. This applies even to a kohein's own severed limb.

A kohein is not permitted to enter a house where a person is dying. Even though a dying person is considered alive in all regards and does not convey impurity, the kohein still violates the prohibition of "he shall not profane" because he is obligated to safeguard his priesthood from being profaned and the dying person could pass away at any time.