1,297. Escorting the Deceased on Yom Tov

200:6 It is permitted to escort the deceased on the first day of yom tov within the techum (the Shabbos boundary), and on the second day even outside the techum. It is likewise permitted for one to return to his home that same day. One may not, however, ride an animal in order to escort the deceased on yom tov, not even on the second day. This is true even for the close relatives who are in mourning. However, if the gravediggers are unable to walk, they may ride on the second day of yom tov. In any event, they should not ride inside the city.

200:7 If someone died on the evening of the second day of yom tov, a Jew may occupy himself with preparing the deceased if a non-Jew isn't available. Ten men get up early and bury the deceased at the time when the shaliach tzibbur is saying piyyutim (the liturgical poems of the holiday). If the deceased was an important person whom many will need to escort, he is buried after people leave shul but before they eat. One of the midrashic explanations of "do not eat over the blood" (Leviticus 19:26) is that it is prohibited to eat a set meal before burying the deceased. If it's not possible to make all the necessary preparations by that time, then the deceased is buried after they eat.