Jealousy, Zealotry, and Kiddush HaShem

Shiur #96 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: The positive value and role of middos which seem to be negative. The link between jealousy and zealotry: critical awareness of disparity in one's environment. Explanation of the episode of Avraham sending away Lot. The essence of Avraham's message to the world and its connection to Shimon Ben Shetach's returning of the jewel to the gentile. Explanation of the dispute between Dovid HaMelech and Michal bas Shaul regarding proper honor of the kingship.

Citations: The following source is referenced in this shiur: Drashos Rebbe Yehoshua Ibn Shueweib, parshas BeHa'aloschah, found in the source packets on page 1.