1,296. More About Burial on Yom Tov

200:4 The reason the Sages decided to treat the second day of yom tov like a weekday when it comes to burying the dead is because of the honor due to the deceased, so that they should not be left in a disgraceful state. Other things, however, are prohibited. For example, one may not negotiate the price of the linen needed for the shrouds with the shopkeeper. The grave diggers may not be paid because one may not accept wages for work done on Shabbos or yom tov. If they refuse to do it for free, they should be paid and the matter is between them and G-d. The members of the chevra kadisha (burial society) may not be paid for the plot on yom tov. They may accept something as collateral without discussing the price.

200:5 If there isn't a Jewish cemetery in the city, even though they are able to bury the deceased there, it is permitted to have a non-Jew transport the dead to another city on the first day of yom tov in order to bury him in a Jewish cemetery. Even a Jew may do it on the second day of yom tov. However, if they won't be burying the deceased that same day, it's forbidden for a Jew to transport the body on yom tov.