1,284. Tzidduk HaDin

198:13 Upon reaching the cemetery, one who hasn't seen a grave for 30 days recites the bracha "asher yatzar eschem badin" ("Who formed you in judgment"). Afterwards, he recites the bracha "Atah gibbor" ("You are mighty," from Shemoneh Esrei) through the words "l'hachayos meisim" ("to revive the dead").

198:14 Next, the prayer "Tzidduk HaDin" is recited. One of the mourners should start it; if no mourner is present, the most important person there begins. On days when Tachanun is not recited, Tzidduk HaDin is not recited, either. Therefore, Tzidduk HaDin is not recited on erev Shabbos after midday, nor on erev yom tov. It is recited on the eve of Rosh Chodesh, as well as on the eve of Chanukah and Purim, even after midday. For a Torah scholar, it recited on Lag b'Omer, on the days between Rosh Chodesh Sivan and Shavuos, on Tisha b'Av, and on erev Rosh Hashana before midday.