1,273. More About the Taharah

197:4 The next step of the taharah (purification) process is to beat an egg with wine. The egg is beaten in its shell as a symbol that the world is cyclical in nature. If no wine is available, water may be used. The deceased's head is then washed with this mixture. Some places have the practice for each person to take a little of the mixture and to sprinkle it on the deceased; this practice is inappropriate and should be abolished as it resembles certain non-Jewish practices. Rather, the deceased's head should be washed, as we have said.

197:5 We must be careful not to close the fingers of the deceased. Some places do have the practice to do this but it is incorrect and should be abolished. That which some say, that this is a symbol of Holy Names, is a baseless claim. Also, the practice to put a kind of stick in the deceased's hand is a foolish custom. If someone insists on burying the deceased with such a thing, it should be placed next to him.