1,267. More About an Onen on Yom Tov

196:14 If a person has an unburied relative on the evening of a second day of yom tov, in a place where the practice is for a Jew to bury the deceased, the laws of an onen apply even at night. He would therefore not recite kiddush, nor would he eat meat or drink wine. However, on the evening of a first day of yom tov, or even on the evening of a second day of yom tov in a place where they would only have a non-Jew make the funeral arrangements, he does not act as an onen at night.

196:15 If a person was an onen at the conclusion of a festival, he may recite havdalah the next day but no later. This is because the time for havdalah after yom tov is only until the end of the next day.