1,265. The Bereaved Close to the End of Shabbos

196:10 Near nightfall, the onen should recite the Shema without its brachos. He does not daven Maariv or make havdalah. The onen is permitted to eat without hearing havdalah (which is normally prohibited). After the deceased has been buried, he should make havdalah over a cup of wine. Even if the deceased is not buried until the next day, the mourner should make havdalah over a cup, albeit without the candle and spices. This is because one may recite havdalah until Tuesday, as was discussed in chapter 96. In Shacharis, which he may pray if its time hasn't passed, he does not say Atah Chonantanu ("You have favored us...," which is the form of havdalah recited in prayer).

196:11 If necessary, the onen may go close to evening from his house to the edge of the techum (Shabbos boundary) so that he can leave immediately after Shabbos to attend to the funeral needs. Similarly, if necessary, he may gather the administrators of the Chevra Kadisha (burial society) close to evening in order to discuss the funeral arrangements immediately after Shabbos. As soon as he starts to occupy himself with funeral plans, the regular rules of an onen apply to him.