1,262. The Chevra Kadisha

196:4 If a close relative of the deceased is in a different city but there are other relatives who are required to mourn where the deceased is, then the laws of an onen do not apply to the relative in a different place. However, if there are no other relatives where the deceased is, then the laws of an onen still apply to him.

196:5 In a place where there is a chevra kadisha (burial society), after the relatives were involved with making the burial plans, when they come to an agreement with the burial society, they don't have to do it any longer because the chevra kadisha takes care of everything.  Therefore, there is no longer a status of onen on the relatives and they may eat meat and drink wine. All the more, they are permitted - and obligated - to recite the Shema and Shemoneh Esrei, and to perform all other mitzvos. Nevertheless, the practice is that an onen doesn't pray until after the burial. This is because they also accompany the deceased to the cemetery.  One who wants to be stringent and daven immediately after they have handed the deceased over to the chevra kadisha may be do so.