1,259. A Sick Person Who Loses a Relative

195:12 When it comes to a sick person who lost a relative, if his mind is clear but he is unable to tear his garment due to the severity of his illness, he is exempt from tearing when he recovers. The exception is if he becomes able during the shiva, when his grief is still intense. However, if he couldn't tear his garment because his mind was unclear, then when he regains clarity he will experience grief; he is therefore required to tear if it still within the shloshim period. There is no time limit on tearing for a parent.

195:13 If a child lost a relative, we tear a small rip for him to cause grief and increase his mourning. This is so even if the child has not yet reached the age of education. If he has reached the age of education, it's a mitzvah for him to tear his garment the same way an adult would.