1,247. A Goseis

193:14 The abbreviated form of the confession is: I acknowledge before You, Hashem my G-d and the G-d of my fathers, that my recovery is in Your hands and my death is in Your hands. May it be Your will to heal me completely. If I should die, may my death atone for all the sins, iniquities and transgressions that I have sinned, committed and transgressed before You. Grant me a portion in Paradise and allow me to merit the Next World that is reserved for the righteous." If he wants to recite a longer confession as we do on Yom Kippur, he may do so. A text for the confession is found in the book Maavar Yavak. The book Chachmas Adam includes the text of the confession by the Ramban (Nachmanides).

194:1 A person who is dying is called a goseis. A sign of this status is that the patient brings up phlegm that churns in his throat. Even though he is dying, a goseis is still considered a living person in all regards. Therefore one is not permitted to touch the goseis because whoever touches him is like one who spills blood. This is because the goseis is like the flickering flame of a candle that may go out if someone touches it. Even if one is a goseis for a long time, and this situation causes great distress to both the patient and his family, nevertheless, one is not permitted to hasten his death, such as by removing his pillow or bedding. However, if there is something that causes a delay in his soul departing, like a banging noise, it is permitted to remove it. This is because this action only removes the obstacle and doesn't directly affect the patient.