1,244. A Sick Person Who Becomes a Mourner

193:8 If a dangerously-ill person wants to perform an act to verify his desire to transfer property ("kabbalas kinyan"), one may accept it from him even on Shabbos. Similarly, if the patient wants to send for his relatives, it is permitted to hire a non-Jew on Shabbos to go get them.

193:9 If the patient loses a relative, we don't inform him so as not to upset him. If he was told, we do not instruct him to tear his garment as a sign of mourning as we are concerned that this will increase the patient's distress. We may not cry or eulogize in the patient's presence, neither for his deceased relative nor for someone else's, so that he should not become concerned that he may also die. We silence anyone who comforts mourners in a sick person's presence.