1,241. How to Visit the Sick

193:2 If the patient is lying on the ground, the visitor may not sit on a chair that is higher than him since G-d's "presence" is above the patient's head as per Psalms 41:4, "G-d strengthens him on his sick bed." However, if the patient is lying in bed, the visitor may sit on a chair or a bench.

193:3 The main purpose of visiting the sick is to inquire about the patient's needs, see what he would like done for him, to give him pleasure from his friends, and to evaluate the patient's condition so that he may pray for him. If one visited and didn't pray for him, he has not fulfilled the mitzvah. Therefore, we do not visit the sick during the first three hours of the day since then one's illness is less severe and the visitor is less motivated to pray for him. Similarly, we do not visit during the last three hours of the day as then the patient's illness is more severe and one might be too discouraged to pray for him.