1,239. Males Doctors Treating Female Patients

192:8 A doctor is permitted to take blood and to feel the pulse and other places on a woman, even a married woman. This includes even her genitals in a medical fashion, since he is not doing it with lust or affection but in carrying out his professional duties. However, if his own wife is the patient and she is a niddah, he should act more stringently so long as she is not in danger and there is another doctor available who is equally qualified. See 153:14, where it discusses whether a niddah may tend to a sick husband, or vice versa. See 143:15 re: whether a son may draw blood from his father, etc.

192:9 If a woman has an intestinal disorder, a man should not tend to her. Since he is healthy, his urges may overpower him. A woman may tend to a man in such a case since he is ill.