1,229. Must One Load and Unload for a Non-Jew?

189:3 The obligation to unload must be done for free but loading is only obligatory if the animal's owner is willing to pay for the service. The same is true for walking with the owner in case he is needed: this is only if the owner is willing to pay.

189:4 When it comes to the animal of a non-Jew, if the non-Jew overloaded the animal, whether the load belongs to a Jew or a non-Jew, one is only obligated to help unload, in order to alleviate the animal's suffering; one may accept payment for this. One is not obligated to help reload in such a case; we only require it to prevent animosity. If the non-Jew isn't there and it was a Jew who overloaded the non-Jew's animal, one is also obligated to help reload. The same is true when a Jew's animal carries a load belonging to a non-Jew; one is obligated to help unload and reload the animal.