1,223. Lost Objects

187:1 If one sees an object that was lost by another Jew, he is obligated to deal with it and return it to its owner as per Deuteronomy 22:1, "You shall surely return them." Similarly, any money belonging to one's fellow that he can save so it doesn't get lost, he is obliged to save. This is the same principle as returning a lost object.

187:2 According to the letter of the law, if the item was found in a place where the majority of people are non-Jews, even if the Jew put an identifying mark on it, one is not required to return it. This is because we assume that the owner has already given up hoping that it will be returned. Nevertheless, it is proper to go beyond the letter of the law and to return it to the Jew who put his mark on it. One can be compelled to do this. If the finder is needy and the one who lost it is wealthy, then he need not go beyond the letter of the law. In a place where the civil law requires one to return a lost item, one is obligated to return it in all scenarios.