1,210. Getting Out of Trouble at Another's Expense

183:3 When the king's army comes to town and the residents are obligated to give them lodging, one is not permitted to bribe the officer to exempt him, because this will cause the damage to befall another Jew. Similarly when it comes to taxes, one is not permitted to try to get the tax official to exempt him if doing so would place a heavier burden on others. One who does this is considered an informer.

183:4 It is forbidden to deliver a Jew or his possessions into the hands of idolators, neither through deeds or speech, to slander him or to reveal his secrets. Whoever does this has no share in the Next World. Even if someone is wicked and a sinner, one is forbidden to give him up, or his possessions. This is true even if the other person always vexes and antagonizes him. However if another person informs on him and he can only save himself by turning the tables on him, then it is permitted.