1,208. Dina d'Malchusa Dina

182:15 If a person finds fruit on a road that fell from an overhanging tree, if they are fruits whose nature is to fall from the tree and in doing so they get ruined, or even if they don't get ruined but the majority of passersby in that place are not Jewish, or if the fruits are a type normally eaten by the animals that pass on this road, in any of these cases, the owners are considered to have already given up hope of retrieving these fruits and they are permitted. However, if these fruits are not a type that get ruined by falling and the majority of the passersby are Jewish, then the fruits are prohibited because of robbery. If the fruit belongs to young orphans, it's forbidden to take them in any situation because children don't give up hope of getting them back and they cannot waive their rights.

182:16 The law of the land is the law (Editor's note: so long as it does not obligate us to violate Torah law.)