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Parah 7:7-8

Parah 7:7

If one coiled the rope a little at a time (as he drew the water), the water is valid; if he coiled it after drawing the water, it is invalid (because he interrupted preparations with an unrelated task). Rabbi Yosi said that this was the matter that the Sanhedrin once ruled valid as an emergency measure (as opposed to the case in the previous mishna).

Parah 7:8

Let’s say that one put the jar aside to protect it from breaking or inverted it in order to dry it. If he did so in order to draw more water with it, the water he drew is valid; if he intended to carry the finished sanctification water in it, the water he drew is invalid. If one removed shards of pottery from a trough so that it might hold more water, the water is valid; if his intention was that they shouldn’t impede him when he transfers the water, it is invalid.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz