1,151. Transvestism

171:1 A man is not permitted to wear even a single ladies' garment, even if it is obvious from the rest of his clothes that he is a man. Similarly, a woman may not wear even a single men's  garment. This applies not just to clothes but also to jewelry, cosmetics and other things that are specific to women in a given locale, as well as to items that are specific to men.

171:2 A man is not permitted to remove his armpit hair or his pubic hair, even using scissors like a razor, i.e., very close to the skin, because this is a practice associated with women. He may not pluck his armpit hair or his pubic hair by hand in order to remove it but using a cloth is permitted. If one has scabs under his arms or on his pubic area and the hair is making him uncomfortable, he may remove it.