#5: Cleaning for Pesach (Part 4)

  1. One should check all locations within rooms that may have chametz present. However, one is not required to clean or search in places that are difficult to reach. For example, one need not exert excessive effort to move heavy bookshelves in order to search for chametz since one would not normally move the bookshelves for any reason, and any potential chametz would not be accessible on Pesach (Shulchan Aruch Harav 433:19; Oholei Halachah p.26). Alternatively, chametz is not put in closets that are very high. Children also cannot reach there and thus do not need to be checked (Peninei Halachah, Pesach 4:4). Any possible chametz in such locations will be nullified when reciting the Bitul Chametz declaration before Pesach.
  2. Some poskim hold that one’s books and sefarim must all be checked for chametz (Chazon Ish, O.C. 116:18). Others hold that they need not be checked at all (Chazon Ovadia, Pesach). A third opinion, which is widely accepted practically, suggests that no checking is needed, but books that may have been used around chametz should not be brought to the table on Pesach without checking to prevent consuming them accidentally (R. Moshe Feinstein, cited by R. Eider, Halachos of Pesach, p.72; Peninei Halachah 4:7). Bentchers should ideally be put away for Pesach (R. Eider, ibid.).

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Dedicated by Fran Broder as a zechus for the hostages to be released safely to their families and may everlasting peace come to Eretz Yisrael in the merit of learning Hilchos Shabbos.