1,136. Priestly Vestments

167:3 If candles were lit for the idol and a non-Jew put them out for his own use, if he later sells them to a Jew, they are permitted. This is because, since he put them out for himself, it nullifies them. Nevertheless, one should not use these candles for a mitzvah - nor any other object that had been used for idolatry. Even though they have been nullified and are now permitted for secular use, they are still forbidden to be used for a mitzvah because doing so is unseemly to G-d.

167:4 There is a difference of opinion about the vestments worn by the priests in the houses of idolatry. Some authorities consider these garments to be ornaments for the priests and not ornaments for the idols. In such a case, these garments would not require nullification. Other authorities, however, do require that they be nullified.