Sanhedrin - Daf 78
- הכוהו עשרה בני אדם בעשרה מקלות ומת
A Baraisa states: הכוהו עשרה בני אדם בעשרה מקלות ומת – if ten people struck [someone] with ten sticks and he died, whether they struck him simultaneously or one after the other, they are exempt from execution. Rebbe Yehudah ben Beseira says that if they struck him one after the other, the last one is liable, מפני שקירב את מיתתו – because he hastened his death (but are exempt if they struck him simultaneously, because only a single murderer can be liable). Rebbe Yochanan explains they argue about the passuk "ואיש כי יכה כל נפש אדם" – if a man strikes “all” human life, which the Rabbonon interpret as עד דאיכא כל נפש – one is not liable unless his entire life was there (i.e., he would have otherwise lived), and Rebbe Yehudah ben Beseira interprets as כל דהוא נפש – he is liable for taking any minimal life, even if he would have died anyway. Rava clarifies that they debate how to view aגוסס בידי אדם – a man dying by man’s hand (who was previously injured by others). The Rabbonon exempt the killer, like one who kills a טריפה (someone who will die because of a physical defect and is considered already dead). Rebbe Yehudah says he is liable, like one who kills גוסס בידי שמים – a man dying by Heaven’s hand, who has no man-inflicted injury, and is considered fully alive.
- One who kills a טריפה, and a טריפה who kills another
Rava said that one who murders a טריפה is exempt, because he is already considered dead. If a טריפה committed murder in front of Beis Din (and no testimony is necessary), he is killed, because the passuk says "ובערת הרע מקרבך" – and you shall destroy the evil from your midst. If the murder was not in front of Beis Din, he is exempt, because any testimony against him is עדות שאי אתה יכול להזימה – testimony which cannot be discredited through hazamah with its accompanying punishment. Since such witnesses only attempted to kill a טריפה, and are not executed if they are found זוממין, their testimony is invalid.
Rava says if witnesses who are טריפה testified that someone should be executed, and were found זוממין, they are executed (since their crime was in Beis Din’s presence). However, Rav Ashi disagrees, because the עדים who were מזים them cannot themselves be discredited and killed through hazamah (since they only attempted to kill a טריפה). [It emerges, then, that the testimony of the טריפה himself is invalid.]
- A murder victim who is reassessed to survive, and then dies
The next Mishnah states that if one struck someone, ואמדוהו למיתה – and they assessed that he would die, והיקל ממה שהיה – but he improved and was reassessed to survive, ולאחר מכאן הכביד ומת – but later deteriorated and died, the attacker is executed. However, Rebbe Nechemiah says he is exempt, שרגלים לדבר – because there is indication in the matter that the victim did not die from the attack.
In a Baraisa, Rebbe Nechemiah darshens a passuk: אם יקום והתהלך בחוץ על משענתו ונקה המכה – if [the victim] gets up and walks outside on his own power, the attacker is absolved. If he completely recovered, would anyone think the attacker would be executed?! Rather, the passuk is discussing the Mishnah’s case, where he was assessed to die, recovered somewhat (and was reassessed to live), and later deteriorated and died, about which the passuk says the attacker is absolved. The Rabbonon hold the passuk teaches שחובשין אותו – that we imprison him to see if the victim dies. If he survives, the attacker is “absolved” from his imprisonment. [Rebbe Nechemiah derives imprisonment from the מגדף in the Midbar]