3,535. Telling If Money Is Second Tithe or Secular

Hilchos Maaser Sheini and Neta Revai 6:3

If someone tells his son that second tithe can be found in a certain corner, and it's found in a different corner, it is secular. If he told him that a maneh (100 zuz) of second tithe money could be found there, but he finds 200 zuz, the surplus is secular. If he tells him that there’s 200 zuz of second tithe money there but he only finds a maneh, it is secular. If he left a maneh and found 200 zuz, or if he left 200 zuz and found a maneh, it’s all secular. This is the case even if the money is found in two separate money pouches.

Hilchos Maaser Sheini and Neta Revai 6:4

Let’s say that a father tells his son that he has a pouch of second tithe money at home. If the son finds three pouches, the largest is considered second tithe and the other two are considered secular. Nevertheless, he may not use the contents of the smaller pouches until he takes the precaution of transferring their sanctity to the largest pouch.