Sanhedrin - Daf 58

  • Which עריות are forbidden to a בן נח

In a Baraisa, Tannaim debate which עריות are forbidden to a בן נח, based on the passuk: על כן יעזב איש את אביו ואת אמו – therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, etc. Rebbe Eliezer says that "אביו" refers to relations with אחות אביו – his father’s sister, and "אמו" refers to אחות אמו – his mother’s sister (his own sister is certainly also prohibited). [The Gemara later proves that a father’s paternal sister is permitted, and only a father’s maternal sister is prohibited.] Rebbe Akiva says "אביו" refers to אשת אביו – his father’s wife, and "אמו" refers to אמו ממש – his literal mother. Additional derashos prohibit relations with a male, a married woman, and an animal. Thus, Rebbe Akiva forbids to a בן נח all relations which carry the death penalty for a Yisroel (like a father’s wife, or mother), including relatives through marriage. Rebbe Eliezer holds even relations which carry a כרת penalty (like an aunt) are forbidden, but not those related through marriage. On amud beis, Rav Huna permits a בן נח to his own daughter and asserts that only the specific relations prohibited by the above passuk are forbidden, and we do not make logical extensions to others.

  • One who raises his hand to strike someone is called a רשע

Rebbe Chanina said that an idolator who strikes a Yisroel is liable to death, as we find that Moshe killed the מצרי who struck a Yisroel. He also said: הסוטר לועו של ישראל – one who slaps the jaw of a Yisroel, כאילו סוטר לועו של שכינה – is as if he “slaps the jaw” of the Shechinah. Reish Lakish says: המגביה ידו על חבירו – one who raises his hand over his fellow, אף על פי שלא הכהו – even if he did not actually hit him, נקרא רשע – is called wicked, because although Moshe said "למה תכה רעך" – “Why will you strike your fellow?” (not “Why did you strike”), the passuk still calls him a רשע. Amoraim make additional comments about one who raises his hand against someone: he is called a חוטא – sinner, תיקצץ ידו – his hand should be cut off, and he has no remedy but burial. Rav Huna actually ruled to cut off the hand of someone who regularly struck people, as a fine.

  • עובד כוכבים ששבת חייב מיתה

Reish Lakish said: עובד כוכבים ששבת חייב מיתה – an idolator who rested from work for an entire day is liable to death, because the passuk says: ויום ולילה לא ישבתו – day and night they shall not cease, which he darshens to refer to work of a בן נח, and אזהרה שלהן זו היא מיתתן – a warning for [בני נח] is enough to incur their death for violations. Ravina says this is not only true for a בן נח who rests from work for religious reasons (e.g., on Shabbos, or on Sunday, like other religions), but even applies to a בן נח who does not work on Monday (or any day). The Gemara asks why this prohibition was not counted among the שבע מצות בני נח, and answers that we only counted שב ואל תעשה – negative prohibitions requiring him to sit and not do something, and did not count קום ועשה – commandments to actively get up and do something (in this case, work). Although דינין is a positive commandment to enforce laws, it also includes a negative prohibition not to judge corruptly.