More on Honor

Shiur #89 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Mishlei verse 3:35. Continuation of discussion of honor. The role of the righteous in justifying Creation. Various ways of granting honor to Torah, and thereby connecting to Hashem. Kavod HaTorah created by a layman entails ensuring that Yeshivahs and Talmidei Chachomim are supported properly.

Citations: The following sources are referenced in this shiur: Maharsha Baba Basra 75b, found in the source packets on pages 1-2, and Gemara Sotah 49a, found in the source packets on pages 2-3, and Zohar HaKadosh VaEschanan, 268b, found in the source packets on page 3, and Sha'arei Teshuva, 3rd sha'ar, found in the source packets on pages 3-4.