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Kerisos 5:6-7

Krisos 5:6

Let’s say that there was a piece of forbidden fat and a piece of sanctified food. If a person ate one of them and we don’t know which one, he must bring a conditional guilt offering; if he eats the second piece, he must bring a sin offering and a definite guilt offering. If one person ate the first and a different person ate the second, then each of them brings a conditional guilt offering. Rabbi Shimon says that the two of them jointly bring a single sin offering and a single guilt offering. Rabbi Yosi says that two people cannot share a single sin offering and a single guilt offering.

Krisos 5:7

Let’s say that there was a piece of forbidden fat and a consecrated piece of forbidden fat. If a person ate one of them and we don’t know which one, he must bring a sin offering; if he eats the second piece, he must bring two sin offerings and a definite guilt offering. If one person ate the first and a different person ate the second, then each of them brings a sin offering; Rabbi Akiva says that each of them brings a conditional guilt offering. Rabbi Shimon says that each of them brings a sin offering and the two of them jointly bring a single guilt offering. Rabbi Yosi says that two people cannot share a single guilt offering.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz