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Kerisos 3:3-4

Krisos 3:3

Within what time frame must one eat two half-olive volumes of a forbidden food in order to be liable? Rabbi Meir says the same time it would take to eat the same volume of toasted grain; the Sages say if enough time elapsed from start to finish to eat a pras (half a loaf when a kav of wheat is used to make three such loaves). If a person consumed ritually-impure food or drink, or if a kohein drank a reviis (about 3 ounces) of wine and then entered and remained in the Temple, the time it takes to eat a pras is the standard (to combine smaller volumes to a size that incurs liability). Rabbi Elazar says that if the kohein’s drinking was interrupted, or if he put even the smallest amount of water in the wine, then he is exempt.

Krisos 3:4

One act of eating can make a person liable to bring four sin offerings and a guilt offering, as follows: if a ritually-impure person eats cheilev that was also nosar on Yom Kippur. (Each aspect incurs a sin offering; the guilt offering is for misappropriation of Temple property.) Rabbi Meir says he would incur still another sin offering if it was Shabbos and he carried it outside in his mouth. The Sages said that this isn’t the same thing (because it’s not based on his act of eating).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz