3,470. A Levi Regarding Terumas Maaser
Hilchos Maaser 12:14
Continuing from the previous halacha, the recipients of gifts to the needy are believed regarding kernels of rice but not when it comes to shelled or cooked kernels. They are believed regarding beans, but not raw, shelled or cooked beans. They are believed if they say that oil came from the tithe given to the needy, but not if they say that it came from olives that were left in the field for them. They are believed when it comes to raw vegetables, but not to any significant volume of cooked vegetables. This is because homeowners might give a needy person some vegetables from the pot. Since he could say that a homeowner gave it to him, he can also say that he cooked it from the gifts that were given to him.
Hilchos Maaser 12:15
Similarly, a Levi is always believed regarding terumas maaser if he claims that produce is first tithe from which terumah was taken, just like a Yisroel is always believed when it comes to terumah gedolah. However, a Levi is not believed when it comes to exempting produce from second tithe.