3,468. Selling Produce in Syria
Hilchos Maaser 12:10
If donkey drivers arrive in a city and one claims that his own produce has not been tithed, but that of colleague has, he is not believed because they might be pulling a scam.
Hilchos Maaser 12:11
If someone sells produce in Syria (i.e., land that was annexed to Israel) and he says that it came from Israel proper, the buyer must take tithes from it; if he then says that it was tithed, he is believed. This is because one who raises an issue can also resolve it. If he says that the produce is all his own, the buyer must tithe it; if he says that it was already tithed, he is believed. Again, this is because the one who raised the issue also resolved it. If the seller was known to own land in Syria and most what he sells is from his own field, one who buys from him must take tithes because we assume that the produce came from his own field.