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Kerisos 2:5-6

Krisos 2:5

The servant woman we’ve been discussing is one who is half-indentured and half-free as per Leviticus 19:20, “she has not been completely redeemed”; this is the opinion of Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Yishmael says it refers to a woman who is totally a servant. Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya said that all prohibited relations are explicit. Accordingly, this must refer to a woman who is half-indentured and half-free.

Krisos 2:6

In all cases of prohibited relations, if one of the participants is an adult and the other is a minor, the minor is exempt. If one of the participants was awake and the other was asleep, the one who was asleep is exempt. If one of the participants acted unintentionally and the other acted intentionally, the one who acted unintentionally must bring a sin offering and the one who acted intentionally is subject to kareis.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz