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Kerisos 2:3-4

Krisos 2:3

Five people bring one offering for multiple violations and five bring a variable guilt offering. Those who bring one offering for multiple violations include a man who has intimate relations with a servant woman multiple times, a nazir who was rendered ritually unclean multiple times, a woman who was warned by her husband about seclusion with several men, and a metzora who was afflicted with several impurities. If a metzora brought his birds for purification and was afflicted again, they don’t count until he has brought his sin offering; Rabbi Yehuda says until he has brought his guilt offering.

Krisos 2:4

The fifth person is a woman had multiple “births” – i.e., she miscarried within 80 days of giving birth to a girl, then again within 80 days of the first, or one who miscarried twins. Rabbi Yehuda says that such a woman brings an offering for the first “birth” but not the second (which falls within the 80 days of the first and is thereby covered); she brings for the third but not the fourth (which falls within the 80 days of the third). The following bring a variable guilt offering: one who swears not to have information when he does, one who breaks a vow, one who entered the Temple or ate sacrificial food in a state of ritual impurity, a woman who has given birth and a metzora. How is a servant woman (mentioned in mishna 2:3) different from other prohibited relations? They’re different in both their penalties and their sacrifices: all other prohibited relations require a sin offering but relations with a servant requires a guilt offering; all other prohibited relations require a female animal as an offering but relations with a servant requires a male; when it comes to all other prohibited relations, both the man and the woman are liable to lashes or to bring an offering but when it comes to relations with a servant, the man is not like the woman in receiving lashes and the woman is not like the man in bringing an offering. When it comes to all other prohibited relations, unconsummated relations are just as punishable as consummated relations and one is liable for each occurrence. Relations with a servant woman is more stringent in that one is liable for both intentional and unintentional violation.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz