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Kerisos 2:1-2

Krisos 2:1

Four people need atonement (after ritual purification, to permit eating from sacrifices) and four bring offerings for both intentional and unintentional violation. The four who need atonement are a zav, a zavah (a man and a woman, respectively, who have experienced particular emissions), a woman who has given birth and a metzora (a “leper” but not really). Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov says that a convert needs atonement until the blood from his offering has been sprinkled, as does a nazir to drink wine, cut his hair and render himself impure for the dead.

Krisos 2:2

The following bring an offering for both intentional and unintentional violation: a man who has intimate relations with a servant woman, a nazir who was rendered ritually unclean, a person who makes an oath of testimony (claiming not to have information when he did) and one who makes an oath of deposit (that he doesn’t possess another person’s property when he does).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz