#19: Departing on a Cruise Three Days Before Shabbat (Part 1)
In the next few posts, we will discuss restrictions involving Shabbat that begin a few days in advance.
- One may not set out on a cruise or sea voyage within three days before Shabbat (Shulchan Aruch, O.C. 248:1). This means that one may not depart anytime from Wednesday through Friday afternoon, though some understand the three days to begin from Thursday and include Shabbat (Vilna Gaon).
- Multiple reasons are given for this rule, the main one being that one may become sea-sick over the first few days of the trip and ruin one’s enjoyment of Shabbat (Shulchan Aruch, O.C. 248:2). In the next posting, we will discuss whether this rule applies today.
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Dedicated by Fran Broder as a zechus for the hostages to be released safely to their families and may everlasting peace come to Eretz Yisrael in the merit of learning Hilchos Shabbos.