3,460. Finding Produce on the Road
Hilchos Maaser 11:9
Let’s say that someone finds produce on the road. If most of the locals bring produce to their homes, he need not tithe it because the obligation to tithe it has not yet taken effect. However, if most of the locals bring their produce to sell in the market, then what he found is demai (doubtfully tithed). If the practice of the locals is split 50/50, the produce he found is considered demai.
Hilchos Maaser 11:10
Let’s say that someone took produce intending to eat it but he changed his mind and decided to store it instead. In such a case, he may not keep it unless he tithes it so that it not be an obstacle to others. If he initially took the produce just so it wouldn’t go bad, then he can store it until he decides to eat it, send it as a gift or sell it. At that time he must tithe it as demai.