True Honor

Shiur #88 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Mishlei verse 3:35. Insights into the honor due one's Torah teacher. Insights into various forms of honor. Deserved honor versus honor bestowed for invalid reasons. Discussion of the circumstances surrounding the appearance of Yisro.

Citations: The following sources are referenced in this shiur: Pirkei Avos 6:3, found in the source packets on page 1, and Rebbe Matisyahu HaYitzhari (on Avos - chapter 6), found in the source packets on page 1, and Pirkei Moshe (on Avos-chapter 6), found in the source packets on pages 1-3, and Sfas Emes , 5640 and 5645, found in the source packets on pages 4-5.