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Kerisos 1:2-3

Krisos 1:2

For violation of the aforementioned 36 mitzvos, one is liable to kareis if he acted willfully, he must bring a sin offering if he transgressed unintentionally and he must bring a conditional guilt offering if it is unclear whether or not he transgressed, except for defiling the Temple or its sacrifices with ritual impurity, for which one brings a variable guilt offering; this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. The Sages also include one who blasphemes as per Numbers 15:29, “You shall have one law for a person who acts in error.” This excludes blasphemy, which entails no action.

Krisos 1:3

Some women bring an offering that is eaten, some bring an offering that isn’t eaten, and some don’t bring an offering at all. These women bring an offering that is eaten: one who miscarries a fetus that resembles a domesticated animal, a wild animal or a bird – this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir; the Sages say only if the miscarriage has human features – a woman who miscarries a fetus that resembles a sandal, a placenta, a developed fetus or one in pieces. Similarly, if a servant woman miscarries, she brings a sacrifice that is eaten.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz