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Temurah 7:4-5

Temurah 7:4

The following things must be buried: if consecrated animals miscarry, the afterbirth of a consecrated animal, a bull that is stoned, a calf whose neck was broken (eglah arufah), the birds of a metzora (“leper”), the hair of a nazir, a firstborn donkey, milk-and-meat combinations and secular animals that were slaughtered in the Temple courtyard. Rabbi Shimon says that secular animals slaughtered in the Temple courtyard must be burned, as must a (kosher) wild animal that was slaughtered in the Temple courtyard.

Temurah 7:5

The following things must be burned: chometz on Passover; ritually-impure trumah; when it comes to orlah and mixed species in a vineyard, whatever is normally burned (e.g., olive oil) must be burned and whatever is normally buried must be buried. A kohein can use ritually-impure trumah bread and oil as fuel.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz