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Temurah 6:1-2

Temurah 6:1

Any animal that is prohibited as a sacrifice renders other animals prohibited in any amount. This includes animals that had sexual relations with a woman or man, one that was put aside for idolatry, one that was actually worshipped, one that was the wages of prostitution or the price of a dog, a crossbred animal, a mortally-wounded animal and one born via c-section. An animal that was put aside for idolatry is prohibited but its accessories are permitted; an animal that was actually worshipped is prohibited and so are its accessories. (The question of permitted or prohibited accessories means, if sold, can the proceeds be used to buy an offering?) Whether put aside for idolatry or actually worshipped, the animal can still be eaten.

Temurah 6:2

The wages of prostitution means that one used the animal to pay a prostitute. Even if he paid her 100 animals, they are all prohibited. If one man gave another a sheep so that his female servant would mate with his male servant, Rebbi says it is not the wages of prostitution but the Sages say that it is.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz