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Temurah 5:5-6

Temurah 5:5

If a person says, “let this animal be in place of that animal,” “let it be the temurah of that animal” or “let it be exchanged for that animal,” it is a temurah. If he said, “let that animal give up its sanctity in favor of this one,” it is not a temurah. However, if the sanctified animal was blemished, it loses its sanctity to the other animal and, if the second animal is worth less, the owner must pay the difference in value between the animals.

Temurah 5:6

If a person says, “let this animal be in place of a sin offering” or “in place of a burnt offering” (without specifying a particular sanctified animal), his words are meaningless. If he says “instead of this sin/burnt offering” or “instead of a sin/burnt offering that I have in the house” – and he actually does have one in the house – then his statement is effective. If he said that a non-kosher or blemished animal should be a burnt offering, his words are meaningless; if he says “let them be for a burnt offering,” they must be sold and the proceeds used for a burnt offering.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz