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Erchin 7:1-2

Erchin (Arachin) 7:1

A person may not consecrate his property closer than two years to the Jubilee year (yoveil), nor may one redeem property less than one year after the Jubilee. People don’t count months for the Temple (i.e., the amounts are not prorated) but the Temple itself does count months (i.e., things are only prorated to benefit the Temple). If a person consecrates a field at a time when the Jubilee is observed, he redeems it for 50 silver shekels per parcel of land fit to sow a chomer (i.e., a kor) of barley. If there were crevices ten handbreadths deep (about 30”) or rocks ten handbreadths tall, they are not measured with the field; smaller than ten handbreadths, they are included. If a person consecrated a field two or three years prior to the Jubilee, he pays one sela and one pundion per year. (See Table of Talmudic Denominations for relative values.) If the owner of the field wants to redeem it by paying each year as it comes, he is not given this option.

Erchin (Arachin) 7:2

The price to redeem the field is the same for the owner and for others. The only difference is that the owner must pay an additional fifth as a fee, while others do not.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz