3,393. Gathering Produce, Bundling Vegetables

Hilchos Maaser 3:11

Let’s say that someone is gathering produce in a large vessel but he only wants to fill it partway. The produce must be tithed as soon as he fills it as much as he planned. If his intention is to fill the whole vessel, the produce need not be tithed until he has done so. If he has two vessels that he plans to fill, the produce need not be tithed until he has done so.

Hilchos Maaser 3:12

If a person made a large bundle of vegetables in the field, they now must be tithed even if his plan was to make smaller bunches for sale in the market. Dried pomegranate seeds, raisins, and carobs must be tithed once a person has piled them on his roof. Onions must be tithed once a person has removed the leaves and skins that he would normally throw away. If he doesn’t remove them, then the onions must be tithed once they have been stacked in a pile.