3,390. Being Clever Regarding Tithes

Hilchos Maaser 3:5

Let’s say that someone brought home branches that still have figs or dates attached. If one’s children or farmhands brought them home, they are not yet obligated in tithes, but if the homeowner brought them there, then they must be tithed. If one brought home stalks of grain to make dough, they need not be tithed, but if he planned to eat the kernels, then they must be tithed. This is only the case with grain; pulse need not be tithed in such a case.

Hilchos Maaser 3:6

One may be clever and bring in grain as animal feed while it still has its outer shell and will not need to be tithed; he may then winnow a little bit of it after bringing it into his house. If one does this, the produce will never require that terumos and maaseros be taken because he will never start the completion labors of his crop.